
call 330.893.2720


Check in time is 2:00P.M. Check out time is 12:00 P.M. ( unless other arrangements are made ahead of time).

Must be 21 years or older to reserve a site.

All campers must register in the office.

Campers are responsible for their guests and their actions. Guests will need to leave by 10:30 P.M.

All vehicles must be tagged and parked in designated areas. Please display tags on the rearview mirror or in the windshield area. Do not park or drive on grass.


Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior at all times. Children are to be at your camp site after dark. Your children must accompany you if you leave the campground property.


Pets are welcome, and must be on a leash and kept within your space at all times and you must clean up pet wastes. Please walk your pet away from campsites and playground areas. Guests with dogs that bark for extended periods or during the night will be asked to leave.


Campfires are to be confined to the fire ring. Rings are not to be moved an nothing goes in the ring except wood, charcoal and all cigarette butts. Please extinguish all fires before retiring or leaving.


Please put garbage into garbage bags and then into the dumpster. Aluminum cans may be bagged separate and put into separate trash collectors as we encourage recycling.

Ground Rules

Quiet time hours are 11:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M. Please be considerate of your neighbors by not playing radios, TVs, stereos, etc. too loud at any time.

At all times respect your neighbors “space.” Do not walk through other sites, but instead walk to the end of the roads to cross.

No washing of anything at the dump station, hydrants or restrooms (except for the intended use of these facilities.)

In case of weather emergencies, please go to the lower level of the shower house building for shelter. All other emergencies dial 911 and notify staff.

We reserve the right to refuse entrance to the campground.

Anyone abusing these regulations may be asked to leave the campground without refund of charges.

No chopping or defacing of trees.

No trenching or digging around tents.

Speed limit is 5 mph throughout the grounds. Pedestrians have the right of way.

No fireworks, firearms or drugs permitted.

Alcoholic beverages permitted in moderation. Excessive drinking or vulgarity will be cause for eviction. Anyone who becomes a nuisance will be asked to leave.

Timbercrest assumes no responsibility for accidents, injuries or loss from any cause.